Director of the Institute of Physics and
Managing Director of the Institutes

Prof. Marc Henneaux (ULB)
Phone: +32 (0)2.650.54.23
Director of the Institute of Chemistry

Prof.Yves Geerts (ULB)
Phone: +32 2 650 53 90
Download the map of Campus here
Inès Tirvengadum
Office Manager
Phone: +32 (0)2.650.55.42

Isabelle Van Geet
Chief Project Coordinator
Phone: +32 (0)2.650.54.23
Delivery and visiting address
International Solvay Institutes
ULB - Campus Plaine
Access 2 (in front of the Pont Fraiteur and the Garage Renault)
Building N.O. - 5th Floor - Office 2N5 - 105A
Bld de la Plaine
1050 Brussels
Mailing address
International Solvay Institutes
ULB - Campus Plaine - CP 231
Bld du Triomphe
1050 Brussels