International Solvay Institutes

Local Scientific Committees

The local scientific committees are composed of chemists and physicists active in Belgian research institutions. Their mission is to provide advice and help in the preparation of the scientific program of the local activities (i.e., all activities but the Solvay Conferences, which are run by the International Committees): workshops, chairs and colloquia.

Scientific Committee for Physics


Prof. Marc Henneaux, ULB, Brussels


Prof. Conny Aerts, KULeuven

Prof. Nicolas Boulanger, UMONS

Prof. Giacomo Bruno, UCL, Louvain

Prof. Ben Craps, VUB, Brussels

Prof. Jean-René Cudell, U. Liège

Prof. Jan Danckaert, VUB, Brussels

Prof. Pierre Gaspard, ULB, Brussels

Prof. Michael Gillon, U. Liège

Prof. Joseph Indekeu, KULeuven

Prof. Philippe Lambin, FUNDP, Namur

Prof. Jean Manca, U.Hasselt

Prof. Dirk Ryckbosch, UGent

Prof. Alexander Sevrin, VUB, Brussels

Prof. Jacques Tempere, U. Antwerp

Prof. Petr Tinyakov, ULB, Brussels

Prof. Sophie Van Eck, ULB, Brussels

Prof. Frank Verstraete, UGent


Prof. Anne De Wit, ULB, Brussels

Prof. Yves Geerts, ULB, Brussels

Scientific Committee for Chemistry


Prof. Yves Geerts, ULB, Brussels



Prof. Annemie Bogaerts, U. Antwerp

Prof. Benoît Champagne, FUNDP, Namur

Prof. Pierre-François Coheur, ULB, Brussels

Prof. Frank De Proft, VUB, Brussels

Prof. Anne De Wit, ULB, Brussels

Prof. Gert Desmet, VUB, Brussels

Prof. Jeremy Harvey, KULeuven

Prof. Sophie Hermans, UCL, Louvain

Prof. Roberto Lazzaroni, UMONS

Prof. Luc Moens, UGent

Prof. Jean-Christophe M. Monbaliu, U. Liège

Prof. Han Remaut, VUB, Brussels

Prof. Marlies Van Bael, U.Hasselt

Prof. Veronique Van Speybroeck, UGent

Prof. Lode Wyns, VUB, Brussels


Prof. Pierre Gaspard, ULB, Brussels

Prof. Marc Henneaux, ULB, Brussels