The members of the Association hold every year a General Assembly that approves the yearly scientific reports and the accounts. It also elects the Board of Directors for a period of 4 years.
Members of the Association
Antoniou Ioannis
Barnich Glenn
Baron Gino
Bingen Franz
Boël Nicolas
Boyer de la Giroday Eric
Busquin Philippe
Brouhns Alexis
Craps BenCroonenberghs Olivier
Damiens Antoine
Danckaert Jan
De Cannière Bernard
De Clerck Karsten
De Lathouwer Muriel
Defourny Michel
De Keuleneer Eric
De Vos Gabrielle
De Wit AnneDesmet Gert
Englert Yvon
Gaspard Pierre
Geerlings Paul
Geerts Yves
Goldbeter AlbertGurdjian Pierre
Halloin Véronique
Henneaux MarcHubin Annick
Hubinont Pascal
Janssen DanielJanssen Edouard
Janssen Emmanuel
Jolly Baudouin
Jourquin Christian
Lambert Franklin
Leroy Jeremie
de Maret Pierre
Mondron Edouard
Querton Alain
Querton Cédric
Rolin PatrickRolin Olivia
Sanglier Michèle
Schaus Annemie
de Selliers de Moranville, Jacques
Sevrin Alexander
Madame Solvay de La Hulpe
Solvay Anne-Christine
Solvay Carole
Solvay Denis
Solvay Jean-Marie
Solvay Marina
Van Camp BenjaminVan Gelder Eddy
Vanherweghem Jean-Louis
Van Houtte Patricia
Van Ypersele NathalieVelle Karel
Viviers Didier
Wyns Lode
Wielemans Patrick
Willems HansWillox Ralph