International Solvay Institutes

Past Activities

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New Horizons Lectures

11 June 2024

New Horizons Lecture in Physics

Netta Engelhardt (MIT, USA)


Public Lectures

Solvay Public Lectures 21 April 2024



14 May to 4 October 2024

2024 Jacques Solvay Int. Chair in Physics

Samaya Nissanke
(UvA and Nikhef, The Netherlands)


13 to 24 May 2024

Syensqo Chairs in Chemistry by the International Solvay Institutes

Markus Antonietti (Max Planck Inst., Potsdam)


Public Lectures

Solvay Public Lectures 22 October 2023


New Horizons Lectures

12 December 2023

New Horizons Lecture in Chemistry

Danna Freedman (MIT, USA)


23 May 2023

New Horizons Lectures in Physics

Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN, Switzerland)


2 May 2023

New Horizons Lecture in Chemistry

Ying Diao (University of Illinois, USA)


20 March 2023

New Horizons Lectures in Physics

Nir Navon (Yale University, USA)



17 September to 9 October 2023

2023 Solvay International Chair in Chemistry

Ehud Gazit (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)


10 June to 10 July 2023

2023 Jacques Solvay Int. Chair in Physics

Subir Sachdev (Harvard University, USA)




New Horizons Lectures

14 June 2022

2020 New Horizons Lectures in Chemistry

Closing Lecture

Hans Jakob Wörner (ETH Zürich)


24 February 2022

New Horizons Lectures in Chemistry

Cornelia Meinert (U. Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)



10 May to 7 October 2022

2022 Solvay International Chair in Chemistry

Daniel Jacob (Harvard University, USA)

Lectures - Abstracts

Closing lecture - Abstract


9 November 2021 to 21 October 2022

2021 Solvay International Chair in Chemistry

Omar Yaghi (Berkeley UC, USA)

Online lectures - Abstracts

Closing lecture on 21 October - Abstract


1 to 30 September 2022

2021 Jacques Solvay Int. Chair in Physics

Jean Dalibard (ENS & Collège de France)






21 June to 21 July 2022

2022 Jacques Solvay Int. Chair in Physics

Juna Kollmeier (Canadian Institute for Theoratical Astrophysics, Toronto)


22 April to 20 May 2021

2020 Solvay International Chair in Chemistry

Joanna Aizenberg (Harvard University, USA)

Closing lecture on 4 May 2022


Public Lectures

Solvay Public Lectures 16 October 2022

Solvay Public Lectures 22 May 2022



15 - 17 November 2021

Workshop on "Plasma Technology and Other Green Methods for Nitrogen Fixation


3 November 2021

Belgian Gravitational Wave Meeting

Organized by the ULB and VUB with support from the International Solvay Institutes


15 - 16 September 2021

Workshop on "Dissipative solitons and optical frequency comb generation"


30 August - 3 September 2021 - CANCELLED

Co-organised Solvay Workshop on "Amplitudes, Inflation and the Bootstrap (held in Capri, Italy)"


14 - 16 June 2021

Workshop in memory of Prof. Grégoire Nicolis on "Nonlinear phenomena and complex systems"

(Initially scheduled for 11 - 13 May 2020)


20 October 2021

BPS & Solvay Webinars

Vladimir Tikhonchuk (U. de Bordeaux, France)


20 October 2021

BPS & Solvay Webinars

Juan Knaster (F4E at ITER, France)


13 October 2021

BPS & Solvay Webinars

Thomas Klinger (Max Planck Institute,Germany)


5 October 2021

BPS & Solvay Webinars

Alberto Loarte (ITER, Cadarache, France)


29 September 2021

BPS & Solvay Webinars

Julien Hillairet (CEA Cadarache, France)


28 September 2021

Véronique Dehant (Observatoire Royal)


1 June 2021

Val Zwiller (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)


18 May 2021

Pavel Kovtun (U. of Victoria, Canada)


11 May 2021

Dominique Lison (UCLouvain, LTAP, Belgium)


13 April 2021

Luigi Lugiato (Università dell'Insubria, Italy)


30 March 2021

Geoff Penington (UC Berkeley, USA)

Public Lectures

Solvay Public Lectures 24 October 2021


Solvay Public Lectures 12 September 2021


New Horizons Lectures

18 October 2021

New Horizons Lectures in Physics

Maria Bergemann (Max Planck I., Germany)


5 October 2021

New Horizons Lectures in Chemistry

Hans Jakob Wörner (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)


8 June 2021

New Horizons Lectures in Physics

Douglas Stanford (Stanford U., USA)



1 to 30 November 2021

2021 Solvay International Chair in Chemistry

Omar Yaghi (Berkeley UC, USA)


11 to 24 March 2021

2020 Jacques Solvay Int. Chair in Physics

Roger Blandford (Stanford U., USA)

Closing lecture on 10 November 2021

View abstracts


22 April to 20 May 2021

2020 Solvay International Chair in Chemistry

Joanna Aizenberg (Harvard University, USA)



8 December  2020 - CANCELLED

Jeremy Harvey (KU Leuven, Belgium)


1 December  2020 - CANCELLED

Zita Martins (IST, Lisboa, Portugal)


5 November 2020 - CANCELLED

James De Yoreo (PNNL,Washington, USA)


13 October 2020 - CANCELLED

Roger Blandford (Stanford University, USA)


26 May 2020 - CANCELLED

Peter Schreiner (Giessen University, Germany)


5 May 2020 - CANCELLED

Francis Halzen (U. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)


31 March 2020 - CANCELLED

Luigi Lugiato (Università dell'Insubria, Italy)


30 March 2020 - CANCELLED

New Horizons Lecture in Chemistry

Hans Jakob Wörner (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)


26 March 2020 - CANCELLED

New Horizons Lecture in Physics

Douglas Stanford (Stanford U., California, USA)


24 March 2020 - CANCELLED

Val Zwiller (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)


17 March 2020 - CANCELLED

Helma Wennemers (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)


11 March 2020

Chemistry for the Future Solvay Prize

Carolyn Bertozzi (Stanford U., USA)


11 February 2020

Fiona Meldrum (U. of Leeds, UK)


New Horizons Lectures

26 October 2020 - CANCELLED

New Horizons Lectures in Chemistry

Hans Jakob Wörner (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)




17 November 2020 - CANCELLED

International Solvay Chair in Chemistry

Joanna Aizenberg (Harvard U., USA)



Public Lectures

Solvay Public Lectures 20 October 2019





Flagey, Brussels (9 to 13 July)




New Horizons Lectures

27 - 29 March 2019

New Horizons Lectures in Chemistry

Rafal Klajn (Weizmann I., Israel)

29 April - 3 May 2019

New Horizons Lectures in Physics

Aleksandra Walczak (LPT ENS, France)


1 to 31 March 2019

1 to 30 November 2019

International Solvay Chair in Chemistry

Gernot Frenking

(Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany)


15 September to 15 October 2019

Jacques Solvay International Chairs in Physics

Gary Gibbons

(DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK)


New Horizons Lectures

30 May - 1 June 2018

New Horizons Lectures in Chemistry

Alexandre Tkatchenko (U. of Luxemburg)

30 May at ULB - view abstract

31 May at Mons University

1 June at Ghent University - view abstract


15 - 19 October 2018

New Horizons Lectures in Physics

Zohar Komargodski (Weizmann Institute, Israel & Simons Center U. of NY, Stony Brook, USA)

16 October at ULB - view abstract

17 October at KU Leuven





Public Lectures

Solvay Public Lectures 21 October 2018


15 October - 15 November 2018

Jacques Solvay International Chairs in Physics

Bernard Derrida (Collège de France, Paris)


24 - 26 September 2018

9 - 11 April 2019

International Solvay Chair in Chemistry

Ben Feringa (U. of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Doctoral School

8 October - 21 December 2018

Brussels-Paris-Geneva Doctoral School


10- 21 October 2017

Jacques Solvay Inter. Chair in Physics

Uri Alon (Weizmann Inst. of Science, Israel)

20 - 31 March 2017

International Solvay Chair in Chemistry
Richard Henderson (Cambridge University, UK)



15 - 17 November 2016

Charge, spin, and heat transport in organic semiconductors

11 - 13 July 2016

Nonequilibrium and Nonlinear phenomena in statistical mechanics - Statphys 26 Satellite Meeting

7-8 July 2016

International Workshop on "Fundamental Science and Society” - Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the “Rencontres de Moriond"

Organized by the Ministry for science and technology of Vietnam, the Popular Committee of the Province of Binh Dinh, the “Rencontres du Vietnam” and the “Rencontres de Moriond”, with support from the Solvay Institutes

14 -17 June 2016

Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics 2016 - Series of Workshops co-organised with APC, Paris and the Perimeter Institute and (held at Perimeter Institute, Canada)

9 - 13 May 2016

Second ERC/Solvay Workshop on "Holography for black holes and cosmology" - organised by the ULB with support from the Solvay Institutes

19 - 21 April 2016

Bridging the gaps at the PCB interface - Multiscale modelling in physics chemistry and biology

12 - 13 April 2016

Workshop organised by KULeuven with support from the Solvay Institutes: Modeling of chemically powered nanomotors

4 - 8 April 2016

Conceptual quantum chemistry: present aspects and challenges for the future

8 - 11 February 2016

Quantum Simulation with Cold Matter and Photons


4 - 29 April 2016

International Solvay Chair in Chemistry
Raymond Kapral (University of Toronto, Canada)

3 - 28 October 2016

1 - 7 October 2017

Jacques Solvay International Chair in Physics

Dam Thanh Son (University of Chicago, USA)



19 -23 October 2015

String - Pheno - Cosmo 2015 - Organised by GGI Florence with support from the Solvay Institutes

7 - 11 September 2015

"The String Theory Universe" - Organised by KULeuven with support from the Solvay Institutes

7 - 11 September 2015

"Nonlinear PDEs" - Organised by the ULB with support from the Solvay Institutes

6 - 9 July 2015

Joint ERC (SyDuGraM) - Solvay-Perimeter-APC Workshop on "Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics"

4 - 5 June 2015

"About various kinds of Interactions" - Organised by UMONS with support from the Solvay Institutes

27 - 29 May 2015

Solvay-Francqui Workshop on "Neutrinos: from Reactors to the Cosmos"

13 May 2015

"2015 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society" Organised by the University of Liège with support from the Solvay Institutes

30 March - 2 April 2015

"Atomic and Molecular Collision Mechanisms (ACME)"

28 March 2015

"Particle Physics after the 2013 NOBEL Prize: A colloquium dedicated to François Englert" - Organised by the Belgian National Committee for Pure and Applied Physics with support from the Solvay Institute

5 - 6 March 2015

"Le Charme Discret de la Symétrie - In Honour of Marc Henneaux"


23 August - 30 September 2015

International Solvay Chair in Chemistry

Andreas Manz (Saarbrücken, Germany)

5 - 18 October 2015 & 8 - 19 February 2016

International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics

Peter Zoller (Innsbruck, Austria)



26 - 28 November 2014

"Directional Nucleation and Growth of Molecular Crystals"

3 - 5 September 2014

"Beta-Decay Weak Interaction Studies in the Era of the LHC"

14 - 18 July 2014

The Solvay Institutes sponsored the meeting "30th International Colloquium on Ghent", Belgium

10 - 13 June 2014

"Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics" Series of Workshops co-organised with the Perimeter Institute and APC, Paris (held at APC, Paris)

28 May 2014

"2014 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society" organised by the KULeuven with support from the Solvay Institutes

14 - 15 May 2014

"Fast is Beautiful: Supersymmetry and Strings in a Null Frame (in honour of Lars Brink)" co-organised with CECs (Valdivia) and with support from the ASC (Munich)

7 - 8 May 2014

"Modelling Complex Systems in Soft Matter" organised by the ULB with support from the Solvay Institutes

14 - 18 April 2014

"Holography for Black Holes and Cosmology" organised by the ULB with support from the Solvay Institutes

31 March - 2 April 2014

"Plasma for Environmental Applications"


16 December 2014

Michel Mayor (Université de Genève, Switzerland)

2 December 2014

Mischa Bonn (Max Planck Institute, Mainz, Germany)

24 November 2014

Frank Würthner (Universität Würzburg, Germany)

21 October 2014

Viatcheslav Mukhanov (LMU, Munich, Germany)

23 September 2014

Richard Royce Schrock (MIT, USA)

26 May 2014

Jennifer Thomas (University College London, UK)

13 May 2014

François Englert (ULB, Brussels, Belgium)

1 April 2014

Jean Dalibard (Collège de France and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris)

18 March 2014

Alex Webb (University of Cambridge, UK)

21 February 2014

Dan Shechtman (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology)

11 February 2014

Thomas Ebbesen (University of Strasbourg, France)

4 February 2014

Lars Brink (Chalmers, Goteborg, Sweden)

28 January 2014

Riccardo Barbieri (SNS, Pisa, Italy)


22 - 30 Sept. 2014

30 April - 5 May 2015

International Solvay Chair in Chemistry

Richard Royce Schrock (MIT, USA)

1 - 31 October 2014

International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics

Viatcheslav Mukhanov (LMU, Munich, Germany)

Doctoral School

13 October - 19 December 2014

Brussels-Paris-Geneva Doctoral School



2 - 4 December 2013

"Thermodynamics of Small Systems"

4 - 6 November 2013

"Exploring Higher Energy Physics"

8 - 11 July 2013

"Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics"

29 - 31 May 2013

"Facing the Scalar Sector"

15 - 17 May 2013

"Patterns and Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Reactive Systems"

20 - 23 April 2013

"Physics and the Energy Challenge

2013 BNCPAP Colloquium" - organised by the Belgian National Committee for Pure and Applied Physics with support from the Solvay Institutes

16 March 2013

Workshop on "Theoretical Physics - Celebrating 60 years of Toine." Organised by the KUL physics theory group with support from the Solvay Institutes

5 - 8 February 2013

"Higher Spin Gauge Theories" - ERC Advanced Grant SyDuGraM Mid-Term Meeting


17 December 2013

David Avnir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

5 December 2013

Solvay et la France

Un partenariat pour la chimie Ernest Solvay - Albin Haller (ESPCI Paris Tech)

26 November 2013

Egbert W. Meijer (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

12 November 2013

Yves Couder (ENS, Paris)

10 October 2013

Gian Giudice (CERN, Switzerland)

11 June 2013

David Weitz (Harvard University)

14 May 2013

Shigeru Kondo (Osaka University, Japan)

7 May 2013

Ad Lagendijk (FOM-Institute AMOLF and University of Amsterdam)

30 April 2013

Tanja Weil (Ulm University, Germany)

26 March 2013

Immanuel Bloch (Max-Planck Institut, Germany)

12 March 2013

Gabriele Veneziano (CERN, Geneva & Collége de France, Paris)

5 February 2013

Patrick Maestro (Scientific Officer, SOLVAY)

29 January 2013

Vijay Balasubramanian (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Public Lectures

20 October 2013

New Chemistry and New Opportunities from the Expanding Protein Universe


7 October - 30 November 2013

International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics

Gian Giudice (CERN, Switzerland)

November 2013 - May 2014

International Solvay Chair in Chemistry

Egbert W. Meijer (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands)

Doctoral School

7 October - 20 December 2013

Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam Doctoral School

Solvay Conference

16 - 19 October 2013

23rd Solvay Conference on Chemistry

New Chemistry and New Opportunities from the Expanding Protein Universe